Features Page


A feature is a single word or abbreviation that identifies a functional group found on nucleic acid sequence (e.g. exon, intron, gene, coding region, etc). The act of annotating a feature onto a specific region of sequence allows the submitter to provide important information about that region in the sequence record. The assignment of features to a record permits a user to quickly find/retrieve features, so all the information about a specific feature in a record can be found by using the feature name as a search term. For more information about features as well as a list of features and their definitions, see the DDBJ/EMBL Feature Table Definition.


Qualifiers provide a general mechanism for supplying information about features in addition to that conveyed by the key and location.Qualifiers take the form of a slash (/) followed by the qualifier name and, if applicable, an equal sign (=) and a value. Each qualifier should have a single value; if multiple values are necessary, these should be represented by iterating the same qualifier.If the location descriptor does not need a continuation line, the first qualifier begins a new line in the feature location column. If the location descriptor requires a continuation line, the first qualifier may follow immediately after the location. Any necessary continuation lines begin in the same column.


The purpose of the dnadb submission portal Features page is where you will select features for your sequence and provide detailed information about the features you selected. The detailed information we ask for in this section is dependent on the feature you select, but includes:

Adding Features using the Online Features Forms

Once you select the “Add features by completing input forms” option, a list of 4 feature categories will appear on the ”Features Overview” page:

  • CDS
  • RNA
  • Repeat Region
  • Other

When you select one of the categories, you may be directed to select a feature using a drop-down list. Select one of the features from the drop-down menu then click the “Add” button to go to the “Features Detail” page for the feature. Once you are on the “Feature Details” page, you will give us detailed information about the feature you chose.

Coding Region Feature Category

Once you select the “Add features by completing input forms” option, a list of 4 feature categories will appear on the ”Features Overview” page:

Adding the CDS feature by providing intervals

If you choose this option to add the CDS feature to your record, in addition to providing qualifiers and general information about the coding sequence and the protein it contains, you will need to provide the coding region spans on the sequence (e.g. multiple intervals if your sequence contains introns, or the entire sequence if it does not). If the coding region spans specific part(s) of the sequence, you will need to give us the nucleotide numbers within the sequence for each span of the coding region.

Adding the CDS feature by providing protein sequence data

If you choose this option to add the CDS feature to your record, you must provide the sequence of the protein encoded by the coding region by typing/pasting the sequence in the space provided in the “Features Detail” page.

Feature Qualifiers

Once you get to the “Features Detail” page for the CDS feature, in addition to the other information requested on the page, you will also be asked to select feature qualifiers for the coding sequence. A list of valid Qualifiers you can use are available.A product (protein) name (or description) is required for each CDS. If a gene is added, you must also provide a gene name (or description).

RNA Feature Category

The “RNA” feature category allows you to select an RNA feature for your sequence. Once you select the RNA feature category option and click the “Add” button, a drop-down menu will appear. Once you select the one of the “RNA” features from the drop-down menu and click the “Add” button, you will use the “Features Detail” page to select qualifiers for and give us more detailed information about the feature you chose.

RNA Feature Types

RNA Feature Qualifiers

Once you get to the “Features Detail” page for the RNA feature you select, you will be asked to select feature qualifiers for the RNA feature you chose. A list of valid Qualifiers you can use are available.You must provide a product name or description for all RNA features.

Repeat Region Feature Category

Repeat region category allows you to choose a repetitive element feature for your sequence. Once you select the Repeat region category button and then click the “Add” button, you will use the “Features Detail” page that appears to select qualifiers for and give us more detailed information about the feature you chose.

Repeat Region Feature

Repeat Region Feature Qualifiers

Once you get to the “Features Detail” page for the Repeat region feature you select, you will be asked to select qualifiers for the repeat region feature you chose. A list of valid Qualifiers are available.

Other Feature Category

The “Other” feature category allows you to select features for your sequence that are not shown on the “Feature Overview” page. Once you select the “Other” feature option and click the “Add” button, a drop-down menu will appear. Click on the drop-down menu to display a list of “Other” features. Once you select one of the “Other” features from the drop-down menu and click the “Add” button, you will use the online “Features Detail” page that appears to select qualifiers for and provide more detailed information about the feature you chose.

Other Feature Qualifiers

Once you get to the “Features Detail” page, you will be asked to select feature qualifiers for the “Other” feature you chose. A list of valid Qualifiers are available.