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Genomic Database of Viruses Infecting Legume Crops

This genomic database is developed by Centre for Agricultural Bioinformatics (CABin)-ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi and ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur to provide a platform for researchers/academician/students for retrieving the information on viruses infecting legume crops worldwide.

It is made to render genomic details of both viruses and their affected leguminous host plants. Plants other than Fabaceae family which are directly affected by legume infected virus can also be searched. Not only that, the viruses which are not of legume origin but infect legume crops can also be searched. Through this database all the sequences of a particular virus or all the viruses infecting of a particular host plant can be sorted out.

The data stored in this database has been collected/filtered from various sources, and it can be searched and depicted in tabular manner with web links to NCBI, Uniprot and Published manuscript.