Tissue Enrich


While working on transcripts such as CDS, alternative splicing, circular RNAs or lncRNAs, one can annotate them to assign some biological process or functions to relate with some specific pathway or network analysis. But while dealing with data from multiple tissues it is always preferable to proceed with some tissue-specific or tissue-enriched transcripts only.

Recently tools have been developed for tissue-enrichment analysis but not only needs technical advancement to work with but more importantly limited to specific organism or predetermined list of genes or transcripts.

Here, we have developed a web based tool for tissue enrichment and gene analysis using PHP as server side scripting language and HTML and Java as front-end side for web design and validation, and R script used for back-end execution and analysis. This will perform tissue-enrichment analysis of any large number of genes with any number of tissues, irrespective of any organism provided only the read count matrix. A graphical interface provided to make it user friendly, error free and time saving.

ICAR-National Institute for Plant Biotechnology
Pusa, New Delhi

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute
New Delhi -110012