Tissue Enrich


Tissue-enrichment analysis for the identification of tissue-specific genes is inspired with the algorithm from Human Protein Atlas (HPA) (Uhlen et al., Science 347, 1260419 (2015)). Based on transcript expression levels i.e. FPKM value threshold (X) and FPKM fold change threshold (Y) calculated from user-submitted read count matrix, the input genes/transcripts can be classify into different categories as follows :

Tissue Enriched: FPKM ≥ X and FPKM fold change ≥ Y compared to all other tissues.

Tissue Specific Gene: A sub-class in Tissue Enriched class having FPKM value in one tissue only with none in others.

Group Enriched: FPKM ≥ X and FPKM fold change ≥ Y in a group of 2 or more (but not all) tissues compared to all other tissues.

Tissue Enhanced: FPKM ≥ X and FPKM fold change ≥ Y compared to the average FPKM in all other tissue.

Expressed in all: Detected in all tissues with FPKM ≥ X but not present in any of the first 3 categories .

Not Expressed: FPKM < X in all tissues.

Mixed: Not present in any of the above classes.